Je souhaitais parler de mon experience afin de vous prévenir avant cette achat. Jai acheté il y a une semaine cette version pour 3 mois dabonnement
Mais a ma grande surprise lors de linstallation de la licence, le logiciel a commence a bugguer. Mon MAC na jamais bugguer auparavant, le logiciel bloque a chaque fois que jouvais un fichier (jai effectue la reinstallation plusieur fois du soft avec differents fichiers Exam sans résultat).
Auparavant javais acheté la version VCE player (la version precedente sans abonnement) qui etait parfaite.
A savoir que je suis sur MAC et cest la premiere fois que cela arrive.
Le Service Client AppStore que je remercie grandement ma remboursé mais je vous conseille de faire attention dans le cas ou vous avez un MAC.
Jai averti le Service Avanset qui ma envoyé boulet.
Jespere que cette avis vous aidera.
I wanted to talk about my experience to warn you before this purchase. I bought it a week ago the version for 3 months subscription
But to my surprise when installing the license, the software starts to freeze. My MAC has never freeze before the installation of this software. Every time I was opening a file, the soft was crashing (I have done the reinstallation of the app several times with different files without result).
Previously I had bought the VCE player (the previous version without subscription) , this version was perfect.
Im on MAC for 4 years and this is the first time it happens.
I thank AppStore Service greatly, they refund me but I advise you to be careful in case you have a MAC.
I warned Avanset Service who did not care about this issue.
I hope this review will help you.